A Hospital Spring by Lucilla Andrews

1973. Nurse Clare Slaney travels to South America as part of a surgical team. How will the dramatic experience affect her life when she returns to St Martha’s Hospital in London?

“Arguably the best of all writers of hospital fiction.” Nursing Times

Clare and senior registrar Jonah Brandon have never seen eye to eye. But they must work together for the children of San Lorenzo. How will a devastating earthquake change their relationship?

Clare’s fiance, Piers, breaks off their engagement. He has found romance with his first love. Can Clare forgive Jonah’s outburst when he misunderstands the situation?

Piers comes to Clare for help. His girlfriend, Anna, is in desperate need. Is Piers asking too much of Clare?

A medical emergency brings the four young people together. Will they each find a happy ending?

A heartwarming doctor and nurse romance.

A Hospital Spring is the eleventh ebook in the new “Anniversary Collection” of novels by Lucilla Andrews being published between 2020 and 2021. These best-loved stories by Lucilla, which first appeared many years ago as serials, are released to celebrate two important anniversaries. 2020 marked 60 years since Lucilla became a founding member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, and 2021 is the 15th anniversary of her Lifetime Achievement Award from the RNA.

Read A Hospital Spring by Lucilla Andrews now (from Amazon UK)

Read A Hospital Spring by Lucilla Andrews now (from Amazon.com)

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