The Silver Lamp by Lucilla Andrews

1961. When district nurse Jenny Curtis comes to the aid of a handsome stranger, he reminds her of the man who broke her heart years before. Will it break a second time?

“Arguably the best of all writers of hospital fiction.” Nursing Times

Jenny can’t forget her former boyfriend, Paul, who left her to marry another woman. Will she ever be able to love and trust again?

Mark Laurence is a Canadian doctor visiting England. Can Jenny look beyond his resemblance to Paul and get to know him better?

Life as a district nurse in the countryside has many challenges. How will Jenny and Mark react when her work brings them into regular contact?

Jenny also has to cope with local gossip. Have the villagers jumped to some wrong conclusions? And should Jenny be honest about her growing feelings for Mark?

A heartwarming medical romance about a 1960s district nurse.

The Silver Lamp is the ninth ebook in the new “Anniversary Collection” of novels by Lucilla Andrews being published between 2020 and 2021. These best-loved stories by Lucilla, which first appeared many years ago as serials, are released to celebrate two important anniversaries. 2020 marked 60 years since Lucilla became a founding member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, and 2021 is the 15th anniversary of her Lifetime Achievement Award from the RNA.

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