A Ward Door Opens by Lucilla Andrews

1959. Nurse Maggie Blakney is busy arranging her friends’ love-lives. But is she neglecting her own feelings for the new Senior Medical Officer, Dr Cameron?

“Arguably the best of all writers of hospital fiction.” Nursing Times

Maggie and student doctor George are just good friends. When Jock Cameron spots them together he jumps to the wrong conclusion.

Jock’s niece, Fiona, is a young patient who needs care and understanding. Could Maggie’s support also bring her closer to Jock?

A serious mistake is discovered in the ward, and Maggie wonders if someone is trying to get her into trouble. Then, a frightening accident brings out all of Maggie’s nurse training. Will it also lead to romance?

Another moving medical romance about a 1950s hospital nurse.

A Ward Door Opens is the seventh ebook in the new “Anniversary Collection” of novels by Lucilla Andrews to be published between 2020 and 2021. These best-loved stories by Lucilla, which first appeared many years ago as serials, are released to celebrate two important anniversaries. 2020 marked 60 years since Lucilla became a founding member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, and 2021 is the 15th anniversary of her Lifetime Achievement Award from the RNA.

Read A Ward Door Opens by Lucilla Andrews now (from Amazon UK)

Read A Ward Door Opens by Lucilla Andrews now (from Amazon.com)

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