Light Me a Lamp by Lucilla Andrews

1960. When young nurse Mary Carstairs first goes on duty at St Bede’s Hospital she gets help from a surprising source. But is there more to kind patient Charles Ebony than she realises?

“Arguably the best of all writers of hospital fiction.” Nursing Times

Mary is a probationer nurse in a large London hospital and still has lots to learn. That’s why she’s so grateful to Charles, a patient in the orthopedic ward. How does he always manage to get Mary out of a tight spot with Sister?

House surgeon Paul Sheridan is the sort of good-looking man Mary has always dreamed of. She is delighted when he starts to pay her attention. But why does he keep leading Mary into trouble?

Accident-prone Mary finds herself in a dangerous situation. Was it really her own fault? And which of the men in her life will she choose to turn to?

A heartwarming medical romance about a 1960s hospital nurse.

Light Me a Lamp is the eighth ebook in the new “Anniversary Collection” of novels by Lucilla Andrews to be published between 2020 and 2021. These best-loved stories by Lucilla, which first appeared many years ago as serials, are released to celebrate two important anniversaries. 2020 marked 60 years since Lucilla became a founding member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, and 2021 is the 15th anniversary of her Lifetime Achievement Award from the RNA.

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