The Long Voyage by Lucilla Andrews

1955. On a long sea voyage, Nursing Sister Jane Carr risks heartache when she falls for the ship’s kind and handsome doctor.

“Arguably the best of all writers of hospital fiction.” Nursing Times

Jane‘s admiration for quiet, steady Dr Mark Addison turns into love. Will a letter from a friend crush any hope that Mark could return her feelings?

Wealthy Australian Steve Merrick is used to getting what he wants. Can a broken-hearted Jane resist the eligible bachelor’s charms?

Jane and Mark grow closer as they tend to the sick passengers onboard. Lives hang in the balance as they cross the perilous seas. But it is foolish pride that brings events to a dangerous conclusion. Could it be too late for true emotions to be revealed?

The moving medical romance about a dedicated young nurse in the 1950s.

The Long Voyage is the third ebook in the new “Anniversary Collection” of novels by Lucilla Andrews to be published between 2020 and 2021. These best-loved stories by Lucilla, which first appeared many years ago as serials, are released to celebrate two important anniversaries. 2020 marks 60 years since Lucilla became a founding member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, and 2021 will be the 15th anniversary of her Lifetime Achievement Award from the RNA.

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